Arts Week at Geelong College

A celebration of the arts has taken flight at The Geelong College, with this year's Arts Week focusing on “murmuration”.

The week kicked off with Mary-Jane Walker, a textile artist and scientist, who spoke at the Arts Week Assembly about the value of the arts combining with sciences in creating a better future.

Mary-Jane has worked with students to create a cut paper murmuration in Morrison Hall while fellow guest artist Roze Elisabeth led screen-printing workshops on Wednesday, with students printing a variety of scientific patterns onto dark pieces of card before assembling them into three-dimensional birds for inclusion into the Morrison Hall installation. Meanwhile the Art and Design staff have captured our own student murmuration as a projection to overlay the installation.

Flocks of students and staff have flown into the hall this week to witness and help create the collaborative masterpiece inspired by "murmuration" - the term for a flock of starlings. The installation will continue to evolve as the week progresses.

The House Arts competition entries, on the theme of flight, have also been on display in the hall and the results will be announced at next week's assembly.

Rachel Cooper